A Bridge to Far: Recent Investigations at EePk-38
Sean Pickering, M.A.
Senior Project Archaeologist
Bison Historical Services Ltd.
Presented at the 50th Annual Chacmool Conference: Chacmool at 50: The Past, Present, and Future of Archaeology, November 12, 2017.
The Highwood River in southern Alberta was the focus of some of the earliest large scale archaeological surveys conducted by the University of Calgary in the early 1970s. Recently, there has been renewed research interest into sites along this important watercourse to assess the impact of large scale flooding of the Highwood River in 2013. However, in addition to recent flood assessment research, excavations carried out by staff of Bison Historical Services Ltd. within the Highwood River valley for a bridge replacement project have also added to the breadth of our understanding of the past use of this area. EePk-38, a stratified multi-component campsite in use from 9,500 years BP to the Historic Period, is discussed, and is placed in a wider context of the archaeological landscape along the Highwood River.