About Us

About Us2025-01-30T18:17:30+00:00

Helping Communities and Industry to Protect the Past since 1986

Since 1986, Bison Historical Services Ltd. has been providing high-quality Historical Resources consulting to a wide array of development industries throughout Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, British Columbia, and the Northwest Territories. We are a dedicated team of Archaeologists, Palaeontologists, Cultural Resource Managers, and Technical Specialists with over 130 years of combined experience in the Historical Resources approval process. We are keenly aware of our responsibilities as custodians of the past, present, and future. We are committed to making the protection of our collective cultural heritage a cornerstone of our social accountability. It is a promise we make to our clients, our community, and ourselves.

Years in Service
Successful Historical Resources Act Approvals
Historical Resources Impact Assessments Completed
Clients Served

Choose the Bison Advantage

Our team of specialists have international qualifications and project management experience. No matter where your development is located, we will be happy to assist! Our size and experience allows us the flexibility to conduct fieldwork, analysis, and report production to suit our diverse clientele’s specific timelines.

Cutting Edge Approaches

From cloud-based field data collection to drone surveys and 3D photogrammetry, our team of specialists brings leading technology into play in the completion of our projects. Our processes in the field have been created with a specific goal in mind: to bring back the best data available in the most efficient ways possible. Our methods work for the resource, for your approval process, and for your project as a whole.

Working Safely, Every Time

At Bison, we are passionate about the safety of our crews. During the past 11 years we have continuously monitored our industry-driven safe work program, which is specifically designed to reduce the potential for on-the-job injuries. Bison Historical Services Ltd. is COR certified and in full compliance with the safety standards set by ISNetworld and ComplyWorks. Our front-of-mind goal is an injury-free workplace for all employees, in all tasks.

Committed to Diversity and Reconciliation

Bison Historical Services Ltd. is both a Visible-Minority Owned and Women Owned corporation, and our team reflects our commitment to diversity in the workforce. More than half of our current workforce is strengthened by people in recognized equity-deserving groups, including those of diverse ethnicity, Indigenous people, and women. Our VP of Operations, Tommy Ng, is an active participant on committees and panels intended to highlight the contributions of racialized professionals in the field of Archaeology.

Bison Historical Services Ltd. is committed to promoting the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and the TRC Calls to Action. We are a proud financial supporter of the Old Sun College Archaeological Field School, a program specifically intended to increase the employability of Indigenous students in the field of Historical Resources Consulting. We have designed and implemented a Skills Enhancement program targeting practical on-the-job training for Indigenous workers local to the communities in which we work. On a project-specific basis, we have committed to hiring practices that have employed Indigenous workers both on and off First Nations lands.

Visit Land Acknowledgement Page

Archaeological Discourse

Our team of specialists is excited to share the results of their work whenever they can, in publications, at conferences, public lectures, and school presentations.  In 2015 Bison Historical Services Ltd. established a company-wide Conference Bursary Program to encourage our employees to present the results of consulting-related projects at conferences such as the Archaeological Society of Alberta Annual Meetings, and the Canadian Archaeological Association (CAA) Annual Meetings.

Click here to view conference abstracts and selected publications featuring the work of our team members.

What Our Clients are Saying About Bison Historical Services Ltd.

“Eagle Engineering is delighted to have forged a longstanding partnership with Bison Historical, spanning numerous major highway projects since 1995. As our preferred historical resources service provider, Bison Historical not only coordinates and organizes Archaeology, Palaeontology and First Nations Consultation services but also ensures the seamless execution of all associated tasks. Led by Sean Goldsmith and his dedicated team, Bison consistently delivers its services with professionalism, thoroughness, and punctuality. We are immensely pleased with the high standards upheld by Bison Historical and look forward to continuing our successful collaboration on future endeavours.”

Kim Biddle, P.Eng., President | Justin Sciarra, P.Eng., Vice President, Eagle Engineering Corp.

“…When an ENMAX contractor discovered a bone in an excavation during a complex project, Bison responded immediately: attending the site, reviewing the excavation for other remains and retrieving the bone for analysis. They submitted the required report to Alberta Culture, and clearance to go ahead with construction was obtained within a day and half, which allowed the project to stay on schedule. Exemplary work and cooperation by Bison on this potentially difficult situation!” The Second testimonial for Bison Historical Services was shared by Alison Anaka, M.Sc. Environment Specialist, ENMAX: “…When an ENMAX contractor discovered a bone in an excavation during a complex project, Bison responded immediately…”

Alison Anaka, M.Sc. Environment Specialist, Enmax Corporation

Job Opportunities

Check back here for specific seasonal and permanent postings. We are always accepting new resumes; send an email to michelle@bisonhistorical.com to inquire about a career with Bison Historical Services Ltd.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Bison Historical Services Ltd. do?2024-03-06T01:55:16+00:00

We are Historical / Heritage Resources consultants, which means that we facilitate the government regulatory approval process for anything connected to archaeological or palaeontological sites, historic buildings, places of significance to Indigenous communities, and landscapes considered to have “high potential” for the discovery of artifacts or ancient features. We find and document historical resources, and we work with developers and the government to ensure that significant heritage places are properly managed during the development process.

How long has Bison been in business?2024-03-06T01:54:06+00:00

We have been providing valued historical resources consulting to development industries continuously since 1986.

What industries does Bison provide services to?2024-03-06T01:54:22+00:00

We will assist with the historical approval process for literally any development industry. If your project will have any impact on the landscape, we can get you through the approval process! Some key industries that have recently used our services include; Real Estate, Transportation, Aggregates, Infrastructure, Commercial/Industrial Facilities, Oil and Gas, Recreational Parks, and Forestry.

What are Historical / Heritage resources?2024-03-06T01:52:01+00:00

The terms “historical” and “heritage” are sometimes used interchangeably depending on the province or territory. Both are generally defined to mean artifacts, features, or places that are significant to our understanding of the past. This can mean our recent past (such as Historic buildings, farmsteads, etc.); the shared heritage of Indigenous Peoples (Indigenous Archaeological sites, Traditional Use sites, etc.); or the distant ancient past (ice-age megafauna sites, dinosaur fossil sites, etc.).

What regions does the Bison Team provide consulting services in?2024-03-06T01:54:39+00:00

In Canada, our specialists have facilitated the successful Heritage / Historical process for development projects in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, British Columbia, and the Northwest Territories.  Internationally, Bison Historical Services Ltd. has managed Heritage projects in the countries of St. Vincent and China.

What are Archaeological sites, Palaeontological sites, and Traditional Use sites?2024-03-06T01:51:20+00:00

Archaeological sites are the physical remains of past human activity on the landscape. Whenever people have lived in a place, they have left traces of their daily lives behind. Whether these be broken tools, ruined buildings, ancient firepits, or the trash from a meal, all of these physical things tell a story. Archaeologists collect data from archaeological sites to help us understand what our lives were like long ago.

Palaeontological sites are places where the physical remains or evidence of animals and plants are preserved, either in very ancient sediments or as fossils in bedrock. Preserved mammoth bones, dinosaur fossils, and even ancient tracks are just a few examples. Palaeontologists collect data from palaeontological sites to help us understand what the world looked like from tens of thousands to hundreds of millions of years ago.

Traditional Use Sites are places where Indigenous peoples have made and/or continue to make use of the natural landscape. Indigenous Knowledge Keepers know the locations, uses, and heritage significance of Traditional Use sites, and are able to teach younger generations the important values, spiritual beliefs, and language of Indigenous peoples through interactions with the natural world.

I think I found an artifact on a hike. What should I do?2024-03-06T01:51:13+00:00

First and foremost, leave it where you found it! Take some pictures of the artifact and the place where you found it, and record the location with a GPS app on your smart phone. At Bison Historical Services Ltd. we are always happy to look at photos of any possible artifacts that you may have found. We will let you know what it is and how to report your find to the government so that it may be added to the Provincial Historical Resources database.

Who is in charge of regulating Historical Resources?2024-08-07T17:25:37+00:00

Throughout the world, national and/or regional governments take the role of managing and regulating Historical Resources. In Canada, all Historical Resources (with the exception of those that lie on Federal Lands) are managed by the Provincial Government in the province where they are found. Municipal governments may also play a role in protecting Historical Resources, but the key laws that govern Historical Resources regulatory approvals all lie at the Provincial level (for example, The Historical Resources Act of Alberta; The Heritage Property Act of Saskatchewan; The Heritage Conservation Act of British Columbia; or The Heritage Resources Act of Manitoba).

What is an “HRV” (in Alberta)?2024-03-06T01:50:45+00:00

In Alberta, Historical Resource sites are managed under a government-developed framework called the Historical Resource Value (HRV) system. HRVs are assigned in ranked fashion to Historical Resource sites, as well as to parcels of land, and are one of the key ways that new developments may, or may not trigger a Historical Resources approval process. In Saskatchewan, an online Heritage Screening Tool serves much the same purpose.

One of my contractors has found something. What do I do now?2024-03-06T01:50:39+00:00

Chance finds of Historical Resources (artifacts or cultural features) do happen, and having a plan in place is essential. The first thing you should do is call us at Bison! We will arrange a site visit to examine the find and manage your expedited report to the government to get their regulatory feedback. We will do our best to make sure you get your government sign-off as soon as possible to minimize stand-down time.

How do I know if I need Historical Resources approval for my project?2024-08-07T17:26:50+00:00

The fastest way to find out if your project will require Historical Resources approval is to contact us. We will examine the type, location, and details of your development and quickly determine the necessary steps to be taken (if any). Then we will be happy to meet with your team to fully explain the Historical Resources process and your available options.

What education and training do Bison employees have?2024-03-06T01:50:02+00:00

All of the Project Managers at Bison (specifically, team members qualified to hold Historical Resources Investigation Permits) have either a Master’s degree or Ph.D. in either Archaeology, Anthropology, or a related field such as Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Most of our seasonal fieldworkers and supporting lab staff have an undergraduate degree (B.A., B.Sc.) or are currently students at a local university / college. That being said, we place a great deal of importance on practical experience and hand-on training. We provide continuous field and lab training, to all of our new team members, in all specialized techniques required for job excellence in the field of Historical Resources consulting.

How do I pursue a career in Historical Resources consulting?2024-03-06T01:49:55+00:00

If you are interested in a career in Historical Resources consulting, send us a resume or an email. If you have questions about what to do to improve your chances of getting a job in this industry, please feel free to contact us. We recognize that people come from widely varied backgrounds and socio-economic conditions, and we will do our best to give you advice that is relevant to your situation.

Get Started with Bison Historical

We’d love to chat about your next project. Fill out the form below and we will contact you within 48 hours, or visit our contact us page.

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