Plan Ahead for a Hassle-Free Approval Process

Public access to Historical Resources information is limited, presenting challenges to effective project planning.

What you need are the tools to avoid surprise conflicts with historical resource sites.

We provide high-level historical resource data early on in the planning process so that you can ensure hassle-free avoidance of historical resources issues. These high-level studies are usually completed at the desktop level without the need for on-site data collection.

Desktop Reviews for Historical Resources

During the completion of Historical Resources desktop reviews, our specialists will:

  • Conduct an inventory search to determine if known Historical Resource sites are present in or nearby to the study area;
  • Determine if any Historical Resources of Provincial Significance are present in, or nearby to the study area;
  • Review previous Historical Resource consulting studies conducted in or adjacent to the study area;
  • Review existing topographic mapping, geological mapping, geo-morphological mapping, and high-resolution satellite imagery to determine if lands in or adjacent to the proposed project area exhibit a potential for Historical Resources;
  • Review existing historic air photos to assess the potential for the presence of 19th-20th Century homestead structures, and also to determine the level of previous industrial / agricultural disturbance to the project footprint;
  • Provide a detailed report summarizing the results of the above, along with our recommendations as to whether further studies (such as Historical Resources Impact Assessments) are warranted prior to development;

Minimize Surprises

Historical Resources desktop reviews can be extremely valuable as a tool for guiding the placement of facilities and other project elements, and can help to ensure that surprises are minimized. Our specialists are very well experienced in the completion of desktop reviews, and have completed more than 1,100 such studies for our diverse development clientele.

Contact us today to learn more about our desktop review services.

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