Ensure Transparent and Meaningful Engagement Among All Stakeholders

The significant value of input by Indigenous specialists into project design, planning, and implementation is recognized by both governments and developers.

Requirements to notify potentially affected Indigenous Communities may be issued to developers as a pre-construction directive, at both Provincial and Federal regulatory levels.

As your consultant for Indigenous engagement, our goal is straightforward: ensure transparent and meaningful engagement among all stakeholders that results in beneficial knowledge sharing and resolution of all concerns.

Indigenous Notifications and Consultation

During the engagement process, our specialists will:

  • Fully discuss and understand your engagement needs and goals;
  • Collect all relevant details of your proposed development, and prepare clear-language notification packages for distribution;
  • Send out notification packages in all formats required for successful delivery to all affected communities, and ensure receipt of all packages;
  • Gather community member responses and arrange for all follow-up consultations;
  • Ensure clear communication of shared information, concerns, and feedback among all parties;
  • Work closely with all parties to facilitate the successful incorporation of Indigenous knowledge and concerns into project planning.

Trust Our Specialists With All Your Indigenous Engagement Needs

Trust our team of consultants to ensure clear communication and work closely with all parties to facilitate the successful incorporation of Indigenous knowledge and concerns into project planning.

Contact us today to learn more about our Indigenous Notifications and Consultation services.

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